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Who Is Metro?

Metro Studio of Building Design Inc. is a building design and drafting firm that has been operating in Alberta, since 2000. Metro is owned and operated by Robin Anderson.




In the late 1970s, Robin’s parents bought a piece of land and his father built a home for the family. It was the first time Robin had seen a set of blueprints. He was able to immediately understand what they meant and visualized adjustments that he felt would improve the home. His father didn’t always appreciate having an 11-year-old aspiring designer giving him advice but did incorporate some of his ideas. Robin was enamored with planning and building things with his father and in school. In junior and senior high school, Robin fit in as many construction and drafting classes as he could. It was through those years that he decided that design and drafting were to be his career choice.

He attended a design and drafting program at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology and found himself in his element. His detail-oriented, analytical, and creative mind fit naturally into this field of study. Graduating from the program at a level of honours with distinction, he ventured out into his career.

He gained experience being employed with a variety of fabrication, construction, architecture and structural engineering businesses and eventually opened his own company, Metro Studio of Building Design in 2000.

Robin Anderson

Being the owner of Metro has permitted Robin to enjoy the pleasure of engaging with clients from the initial meeting to handing over construction drawings. An arrangement he believes results in better buildings and is personally very fulfilling.

Always a student of “how things are made,” Robin’s curiosity has given him a broad knowledge of building techniques, systems, and materials. Enjoying variety, he has been involved in many types of building projects. Believing that one never stops learning he enjoys using fresh building styles.

No matter how small or large the building project, Robin is passionate about creating buildings that fulfill the users’ needs, looks great and has that added something that makes them extraordinary. He also believes great design fulfills the tastes and needs of those who will own and/or inhabit the building, it shouldn’t be a monument to the designer.

Robin has a gift of being able to tap into a client’s dreams, whether they express them in a succinct or random fashion, he is also able to pull them together into great designs.


New Home Designs

Working collaboratively with our clients allows us to design dream homes as unique as you are.

Dream Designs

Our multi-stage design process allows you to refine your style and design goals as our work progresses.

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